Thursday, August 28, 2008
Shoot me now. Just go ahead and get it over with.
I'm embarking on a new form of torture thought up for my by the people who run p-school. I'm sitting here waiting for my 2:20 appointment at the clinincal skills center where I'll be taken in and presented with a mock patient case. Then I'll be given ten minutes to prepare after which I'll enter an exam room and converse with either a patient or a doctor (actors) about the case I was just presented. Oh yeah, and they film us during this lovely session of make-believe. And I have to do it twice. I'm not being graded for todays session which takes a little of the anxiety off. This one is just practice for the real session in Dec. where we'll have to do six patient cases and it counts for a sizable portion of our grade in therapeutics. It's just freaking me out that I'm gonna be filmed. Too much pressure! They said it would get easier our third year. They lied.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Don't call me sugar and Don't try to escape from the psych ward. P.S. I've decided that I need a personal assistant.
I'm back in school. Studying is my life. One exciting thing, though, is that this is my last year of classes (and tests, well except for a few big ones at the end). Next year I'll be tossed out into the real world to fend for myself during my nine intern rotations, but I'd rather not dwell on that right now. I've also gone back to working a regular schedule at the hospital. Right now I'm doing one night a week and every other weekend....more than I've done before in previous years while in school. We'll see how that goes.

He's got a knack for this stuff. We had good produce all summer. I'm already getting excited for next years plans. I think we're gonna try and grow most things from seed because I've found some really cool heirloom seeds catalogs that have the most amazing stuff in them. But even before that, hopefully in a couple weeks when this incessant, miserable heat leaves, I'll get to do our fall landscaping and fill up the yard with pansies and violas. Hooray!
So, yeah, last night I was at work taking the delivery at 6pm to cover for the courier while he goes to dinner and one of the transport techs (the people who push patients around the hospital when they are moving to different units or going to get scans, etc.) passed by me in the hall and said, "Hey sugar, how are you doin'?" And this is not the first time I've experienced this sort of thing whether at work or at school when I have to walk by the construction guys on their lunch break or walking back to my car when I have to walk past the detention center where prisoners are out doing yard work. I, of course, responded with a cold stare and a monotone yet somewhat bitchy voice and said "Fine" as I kept on walking by. I just don't understand. What makes these men think that speaking to women in such a baseless and childish manner will get them anywhere? Are they just that desparate? Anyway, it's just something that really annoys me, and I'm not a violent person but if I could go around and punch people in the gut during these situations, I would! Arrrrghh.
I'm a little behind on posting photos that I tagged in the back of my brain for the blog, so, don't laugh, but let's head on back to May (this is why I've decided I need a pers. asst.!!) and take a look at a little cake that I made my mom for Mother's day:
It was vanilla cake filled with lemon curd and raspberry jam, topped with vanilla buttercream and sprinkled with coconut on the sides ('cause she loves coconut). I've should have taken a close-up because it was very pretty once cut with the different colors inside. Maybe next time.
This was the first time I officially had the fam. over for a meal. It was quite fun. I got to play house and set up the table and everything, complete with fresh flowers:
Around this same time Blue and I took some snap shots of the garden he put together this past spring. We like to keep a pictorial record of what we do each year. Check out his handiwork:
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