Thursday, February 19, 2009

To iphone or Not to iphone

So, I think I want an iphone. I've had the "get a new phone" itch for about a month now. In the past I've always been stingy when it comes to phone expenses. I always go for one of the free models and never get a new phone until it's time to upgrade. I guess I don't mind coughing up the 200 for the phone because I've played with my sister's and decided it is totally cool, but I'm hung up on the 30 dollar a month data plan fee. Will it really be worth it? What do all you iphoners out there say? Worth every penny? Other pros/cons you care to share??


Unknown said...

That's what's got me hung-up, too! I'm not sure whether it's worth all the monthly costs...I've got the lowest plan known to modern man, so it's hard for me to think about dramatically increasing my bill each month. I'll be curious to see what iphone users say...

katandkarl said...

worth every penny.