I created the most fabulous pizza the other day and just couldn't resist sharing it. It is a chicken, bacon, caramelized onion, havarti cheese thin-crust pizza with garlic infused olive oil instead of red sauce. Blue and I have become pizza obsessed lately. He brings home thin-crusts from work and I create flavor combinations for the tops. Our first pizza was mushroom, artichoke heart, fresh basil, proscuitto, fresh mozzarella, and parmesan with a red sauce. We plan on creating a Mexican pizza next. Mmmm!
On the subject of food, all this birthday talk lately has me thinking of cake. My favorite birthday cake is white cake with cream cheese icing and raspberry filling. What is you favorite flavor combination? White on white, chocolate on chocolate, chocolate on white, chocolate on yellow, cream cheese on carrot, cheesecake, etc.???
Mmmm.... cake. This year, my mom switched things up and made trifle (an aunt Margie recipe, apparently, that she came across). I like the yellow cake with that rainbow chip icing (the little colored things, NOT sprinkles, but... chips, I guess). That's what I always wanted as a kid. I am also a fan of yellow cake with chocolate icing. Really anything chocolate.
Nice lookin' pizzas... where's mine? :)
those pizzas sound awesome. you are making me hungry. i really like carmel cake with carmel icing. sooo good.
Have you ever had Mickey's Special Affairs cakes in LR? Soooo good. The moistest (that a word?) cakes ever. They have fillings available too.
Isn't that the place Brooke always gets cakes from?
Yeah, It's one of her family's traditions I believe. Mickey's cake are good.
leah no one can make you a bday cake cause yours are the bestest... what day is your bday... it is soon right? we must par-tay.
Yep, its on Feb. 1.
heck yeah, mickey's is the best...if i do leave arkansas, that's one place i'm sure gonna miss. i like white-on-white (buttercream icing), if we're talkin mickey's...if we're going homemade (or from the box, even), i'll go yellow with chocolate. aunt margie's trifle is awfuly good, too! i just love dessert. i love cake, give me some cake.
Leah is amazing. I want to eat HER, she's so amazing.
Chandle wants to eat Leah? Lesbian action!!! Make sure to post pictures of THAT!
Someone's got their mind in the gutter.
oh anonymous. you so funny.
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