This was the weekend of Jillian's first formal dance. I went home to LR on Saturday to help her get ready. I think she turned out pretty well. She looks too old to be my little sister! My brother was in town too. He actually went to the same dance as Jillian because his girlfriend is a year younger than him and still in highschool, so he was her date. It makes me nostalgic for the days of dressing up in formal attire and going out in a big group. Sometimes being old just stinks!

I cannot believe how old they are. It really freaks me out. I miss our dances too... when we used to get all pretty and go out to dinner and stay at one of our houses.
Except for the time I got food poisoning from the scallops at that Japanese restaurant. THAT was not too fun.
they are too cute. i miss it too.
what babes! i'm pretty sure i wasn't a babe like that when i was that age (or EVER, for that matter) these days...
her hair looks awesome, good job!
so very cute!!
i don't miss them but your sister looks hot! =)
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