Thursday, May 27, 2010

A ten year accomplishment shattered in a split second

So, I was driving home from orientation on Tuesday afternoon. By the way, the drive to and from Springfield stinks. Two-lane country roads most of the way, twisty-turny hills, run-down gas stations...not my idea of a pleasant drive. I was very excited to get home and therefore was allowing my bad habit of a lead foot to get me there a little quicker. Then I got to Greenbrier. Then I noticed a cop up ahead coming toward me in cross traffic. Then I hit the breaks and crossed my fingers. Then I noticed him slow down as I passed him. Then I watched him turn his lights on in my rear view and make a U-turn. Then I said some very unlady-like words.

Yes, I got pulled over for speeding...about 30 miles from home no less. I've been pulled over once before about ten years ago in early under-grad. Ten year clean driving record exists no more. The funny thing was this time after the cop introduced himself he proceded to ask me if "I had a legal and justifiable reason for exceeding the speed limit?" Uh, what? I wanted to say that the reason I was speeding was because I think its stupid to require people to go 55 mph hour on a four-lane highway, but instead I said something dumb like, "uh, I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to the speedometer." But seriously...ARE there legal and justifiable reasons for speeding? If so, please let me know because with my lead foot, the odds are against me that this will be my last ticket.

Also, I must mention that Faulkner county is still stuck in the 1960's when it comes to techonology. The officer wrote a phone number on my ticket and told me to call it to find out how much my fine will be, so this morning I've gave it a ring. They ended up telling me that they won't be able to tell me how much money to send in until the first week on July because that is how long it will take get them to get my ticket entered into the system. That seems utterly ridiculous. I want to know how much it's gonna cost now, Faulkner county. Join the 21st century. Sheesh!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Spann said...

How fast were ya goin?? :)
They will get you EVERY TIME there on that stretch in Greenbrier. I know many a people who have gotten burned!! Sorry that happened, friend. Yucko.