Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Why does food taste so good?

I'm home. Back from Minnesota. It was the usual kind of trip: hanging out with the Dad, seeing all the extended family, celebrating small-town 4th of july with a parade, family dinner, and fireworks.

On a side note, I'm totally on a hot dog kick lately, which is weird because I've never been much of a hot dog person. I always go for the hamburger. They certainly have their ick factor, but lately they are all I want when it comes to summer, outdoor, grilling, picnic food (no crude jokes allowed).

While we are on the subject of food, I'm milling around the idea of starting a separate food blog or at least committing to doing a weekly food post featuring the stuff I've made that week. The only problem is photos. Food styling takes effort and time and when I'm cooking and start thinking about doing a post about it I always get lazy and don't take pictures. I want to start making an effort to pictorially document my most fun hobby because I love to share ideas and get opinions and such. Like take this week...I could have a totally fun food post if I'd just taken some pics because so far I've made:

-buffalo chicken strips with buttermilk blue cheese and chive dip

-grill eggplant and portabello salad with fresh mozzarella

-creme brulee (with vanilla beans from France!)

-twice-baked potatoes with roasted red pepper, corn, and cheddar cheese

-and I have plans later in the week for some steaks with blue cheese butter and a roasted chicken

I just love making things with food. I gonna consider this a little more. If I really wanna do it I'll just have to make the time for photos to share. Too bad blogger doesn't have scent sharing. Now that would be fun.


melissa said...

holy frijole, the chicken strips sound AMAZING. definitely post some pics... : )

Chandle said...

yum yum yum, you're killin me. I want to be your taste tester.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Yay! Glad you're gonna come over Thurs! Just come whenever you want... gimme a call!