Speaking of siblings, I just found out that my brother and one of my other sisters both have tattoos! What?!! I guess I'm showing my age with my surprise. My brother just got his a week ago, but my sister has had her's for forever. She even hid it from everyone while we were in Paris last summer (it's on her wrist). It's funny that Peter and Ashley are kind of alike and they both ended up with tattoos....and me and Katie are kind of alike and we both got our tongues pierced back in our early college days (and just found out that each other did it a few months ago). Wonder what Jill's gonna do? Peter hypothesized that she'll end up with 17 illegitimate children. Guess we'll have to wait and see! (disclaimer: She is currently a very well behave young lady...that's why this is so funny.)
I mowed the lawn yesterday for the first time this season, and it was fun. I will not be saying this about lawn mowing come June, July, and August, but for now I am enjoying it. I'll leave you with a shot of our grape hyacinths that have sprouted in the backyard. How can you not love Spring when it brings in stuff like this??
i lost count... do you have FOUR siblings?!? jeezum crow, what a cute family full of smarty-pants you must be!
That first picture made me laugh. So cute!
Way to go on the flowers and the lawn work! Um, you're more than welcome to head over the Spann household to plant some more if you'd like! ;)
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