Tuesday, September 26, 2006


During the short time that I've spent so far in pharmacy school, I've already managed to discover a new neurological disorder known as brainorexia. This disease state is characterized by decreased overall brain function due to excessive amounts of cognitive work in the specialized center of the brain dealing with learning and memory. Symptoms associated with this disorder include forgetting to pay bills on time, chronic dark circles under the eyes, almost brushing your teeth with face wash instead of toothpaste, and not having any brain cells left at the end of the day to post on your own blog. At this time there is no known cure for brainorexia, but watching Grey's Anatomy has been shown to provide some relief.

(Is it Thursday yet?)


Elizabeth Spann said...

Awwwwwww poor Leah! Well it's better that brainemia, where you throw up. Cause that's gross. :)

the gloria family said...

my solution is post-its. just put them up all over you house to remind you of things. i have a slight addiction to post-its.

katandkarl said...

thursday is the new weekend.