Friday, August 31, 2007


I've thought of at least one thing to blog about almost everyday this week, and when I sat down to the computer just now during this short study break I had the intention of telling you about them, but because my brain is drowning in drug names, I've got nothing. And!! I have to work tonight and tomorrow morning, so poo. I'm in a doo-doo mood, so I better just get back to studying. This blog sucks. It may be my worst ever. I'll do better next time.


melissa said...

leah leah leah! don't beat yourself up. it's good to update, regardless of what you do or do not have to say. and if you'll tell me how old you are, i will always be able to remind you. : ) hope your day gets better! and try to enjoy your holiday weekend!

Elizabeth Spann said...

I feel ya! Depression, learning disabilities... it's all taking up too much room! ;)
I feel like I haven't seen you in FORever, and I miss ya! Let me know when you have some down-time!