Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Hotter than ___________! (insert expletive here)

Is it just me, or is it way too hot? I'm not supposed to sweat until at least the middle of May! Anyone who doesn't believe in global warming is looney. The evidence is right in front of our faces. What stinks is that even if we completely stop green house gas emissions today, the effects of what we've already produced will carry on for years to come. Uggghhh! We're doomed!
All this environmentalism has made me think of something new that I saw recently that I want to own one day...
Toyota has developed a Camry hybrid for 2007!

For those of you who don't know, I drive a handy dandy super reliable Camry and I heart Toyota to the max. They last forever! One day I would like to own this hybrid. They start out at 25 g's, which isn't that bad...not compared to my real dream car anyway...

The BMW 6 series convertible!
I try not to covet very many things, but this car is my weakness. It is gorgeous (and it goes really fast too!). If I'm ever able I might just treat myself to it (yeah right, they start at 96 g's...buy my first house or buy a car, hmmmm). I can dream though can't I? When I ran into one in person I honestly followed the car around for a while because I was so captivated. It's got a hold on me! :) (Here's another picture for you to drool over.)

Screw the tenth commandment. I'm covetting!


Elizabeth Spann said...

Go for the hybrid. :)

Unknown said...

heck yeah, i'm totally getting either the hybrid prius or camry (i'll have to do the full comparison when it's time). i thought i'd go civic hybrid, but rachel informed me that the prius (and, presumably the camry will, too) gets much better in-town mileage than the civic (which does keep up on the interstate). hopefully it won't be too long...

brooke knight said...

yay camry! i drive one! hybrids rule, i wish i could have one!

Chandle said...

commandments? What would I give for a hybrid? It is freakin hot. It was 75 in Minnesota.