Thursday, August 24, 2006

F7! I don't speak F7. (Nor do I speak Russian, Spanish, or Chinese!!)

I must vent.

The other morning while I was eating breakfast my oven started beeping and F7 was flashing on the display screen (it has a digital control panel). F7!??? What the heck does that mean? Needless to say, the breaker switch that powers the oven has been flipped. I feel so unstable without a working oven (even though I no longer have time to cook...but still!).

Have any of you ever had a foreign born professor with a heavy accent? Well, I currently have three. Now, I know we're supposed to be all P.C. and promote unity and equality and whatever, but I'm totally frustrated and just don't feel like it right now. I don't have anything against these people being in this country or having the jobs that they do, but I just can't figure out why the powers that be thought it would be a good idea to have these heavily accented individuals teach very complicated subjects to a large group of students who can't really understand what they are saying. Maybe I'm just spoiled, but regardless, I'm still frustrated!

On a much calmer/excited note, tomorrow is Friday! Whoo-hoo!! This has been a very long week. And.....

It's Blue's Birthday on Saturday!
(He made me promise not to put a picture)
Happy Birthday to my favorite math genius!


Elizabeth Spann said...

Awww... happy birthday Blue!! What are you two crazy kids doing to celebrate?
Sorry to hear about the lack of communication with your oven and professors... I am sure you'll get the hang out it soon. Mental closed-captioning.

Unknown said...

happy birthday to blue!
hopefully, though, your classmates won't be as rude as mine were when our stats prof. last year was from india (and incidentially a uams employee). my classmates were so horrible to him! but yes, it did take some time getting used to...

Matt said...

About those professors, let me recall the names of a few of my profs: Mohammed Zafrula, Paneer Selvam, Ing Chang Jong, Boris something.... Ah the glorious life of an engineering student.

Best of luck with the classes. If nothing else they can be quite comical.

Chandle said...

Happy Birthday, Blue! Good luck, Leah. I hate that too.

the gloria family said...

Happy B-Day Blue!!!