Thursday, March 01, 2007

God Made Dirt and Dirt Bust Your A@@!

5,000 lbs. that is. Blue had said dirt delivered to our driveway on Monday. As you know, the indigenous dirt down here in the South sucks, so he got some good stuff to fortify our gardens that are quickly multiplying around the yard. We're up to four big "gardens" and 5 flower beds that we plan on planting in. Sheesh! Anyway, we spent Monday and Tuesday afternoon dragging pile of dirts on a tarp to the various beds around the yard. Talk about a work out! Actually it was not that bad due to the beatiful, sunny weather we had. I think we're going to go buy some more bulbs and seeds tomorrow and start planting this weekend or next. Hooray for nature!

Oh and I've finally remembered to post a fun fact I've come across:

Did you know that in 1 oz. (think 2 tablespoons) of poo there are 10 to the 11th microorganisms? That's 100,000,000,000 little crawlies. Ewww!...Gross.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Spann said...

In MY poo? I don't think so. :)

Can't wait to see the gardening progress!