Friday, October 14, 2005

A fun way to waste time on a Friday

For all of you who have a digital camera, take a head shot of yourself and go to this website. It analyzes your facial features and tells you what races you are made up of. It's pretty interesting. I consist of 38% East Indian, 35% Anglo-saxon, and 26% Southern European. It also tells you what celebrity you most resemble. My match was Jessica Biel. Blue's was Quentin Tarantino. (I made him do it too :) ) Try it, it's cool!


Susan said...

Cool. I uploaded my wedding picture. It said I'm 15% Eastern Indian, 56% Southern European, and 28% Anglo-saxon. Pretty much right on. HOWEVER, my celeb match is PARIS HILTON! WHAT??!!??!! That was fun. Good find.

katandkarl said...

i totally did it.

mine said:

74% Southern Europe
26% Anglo Saxton

and celeb match: Reese Witherspoon?

haha. yea right!

emily and eric said...

i did it and mine said 68% southern european and 32% anglo saxton...the celeb match is BRITTNEY SPEARS????? i look nothing like her...i think they are a little off with the celeb match!but it was fun!!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Hmmmm... interesting.
50% Middle Eastern
18% Southern European
32% Anglo Saxon
Not entirely right. Do I look Middle Eastern??
My celebrity match is Reece Witherspoon. Is this thing broken for me??