Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Okay...Now I'm Really Freaked Out!

If you remember, a week or two ago I talked about how I've started losing an abnormal amount of hair. On a side note, I have a doctors appointment next week to see what's up. Anyway, there's been a new development and it's got me worried. I noticed last night that I now have several curly hairs. I don't mean two or three. If I look in the mirror for a few seconds I can find ten to twenty. Some of them are tight ringlets like Brooke's hair and others are wavy like Elizabeth's hair when she doesn't straighten it. Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against people with curly hair. I simply have something against me with curly hair. I've had board straight hair since the day I was born. I'm not prepared to change that. I wouldn't be myself anymore. I don't mean to sound vain, but when a part of your body may be altered in the opposite way of what you are used to, it's a little unnerving! Hopefully my whole head is not in the process of becoming curly, but my little brothers hair turned curly about two years ago without notice. He had straight hair since he was born too. Ahhhhhhhhh!


Elizabeth Spann said...

Hair can just change like that? That's so weird. Welcome to the curly club! People with straight hair envy us. We would rather be you. Or Kristen. Or someone else who doesn't have to straighten their hair for 45 minutes.

katandkarl said...

and dry it for an hour prior to the straightening... ew...

do you really think it is turning curly? that's nutso....

i think you will look cute with some curls!

emily and eric said...

since i am the HAIR expert i will tell you what it could be.. first it could be the tremendous amount of stress that you have been going thru.. or so it seems... i see that happen alot with clients.... or it could be your body going thru a change.. it happpens about every 10 years... but usually hair changes drastically like that at puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.. i hope i have been helpful!! good luck with it all!!! we will just hope it is all the stress!!!!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Uhh... don't say pregnancy.

katandkarl said...

yea start that rumor about someone ELSE!

Leah Billings said...

Hey now! I'm not pregnant!!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Guess it's just Kat then.
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Chandle said...

That is so weird. I want straight hair too. Oh my GOD!!!!! Emily, you did not just say pregnancy!!!!!!!!

emily and eric said...

and sometimes or alot of times people with curly hair goes straight after pregnancy!!! that's what i am hoping for!!