Sunday, October 23, 2005

I'm Free!!!!

I'm finally free of the stress that is PCAT. I took the test on Saturday morning. It took 5 hours and my brain was fried by the time I was finished, so it's hard to know how I did. The test was difficult, but I hope I made a decent enought score not to have to take it again in January.
Yea!!!! It's the week before Halloween. Double Yea!!! I'vc come up with a decent Halloween costume for the party on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to it.
Side note: Still no news on my health. I'm definitely calling tomorrow to find out if the lab results are in. Oh yeah, and it looks like I'm once again going to have to join the workforce. (I guess it is about time seeing as how I haven't had a job in about the past 5 months.) Funds are dwindling and I don't want to dip into my savings, so anyone know of any part-time, non-demeaning positions available in Conway???


Elizabeth Spann said...

Hooray for being done with your test! I'm sure you did wonderfully.
Good luck with the job hunt... you should work at the library. That sounds like fun.

Chandle said...

You could...oh wait, you said non-demeaning and conway. Too many restrictions