Monday, June 26, 2006

Movin' on UP...

Let the moving madness begin...

This use to be our living room. I'm proud to say that 95% of the house is packed and ready to go (and we still have two more days!). I am slightly perturbed with the fact that our landlord called today and told us we have to shampoo the carpets or he's gonna take $100 out of our deposit. We didn't even get them dirty. He says it's his policy. Whatever jack-@&& ! Oh, and that kid pooped in his pants AGAIN! I'm not kidding. I talked with the director and they are going to talk to his parent. It's got to stop!


Elizabeth Spann said...

That kid obviously has some issues. Yucko. SO EXCITED you're moving!! Hooray! Ps, my last landlord took out $100 for me not shampooing my carpets too (in my little bitty apt). I was NOT happy.

Chandle said...

That sucks. Just wait til you own your own house. NO SHAMPOOING EVER!

Unknown said...

did you check you lease to see if there's anything in there about that...? my landlord at the apartment took out 60 some-odd dollars for "cleaning". who knows what the heck that means??

Susan said...

Shampoo-shmampoo... err..something...When you own your own place, you'll want to shampoo cause you care about it because you own it, but ambigious "cleaning fees"=no good.