Monday, February 20, 2006

What a Rip Off! (And I'm Glad I Didn't Die in the Elevator)

So much for the massive winter storm that the weater people (I mean weather liars) warned us about all last week. Having an ice crust on your roof and lawn does not constitute pandimonium. Aside from the lack of fun stuff to play in outside, I have enjoyed the bitterly cold temperatures.

The UAMS interview went well on Friday, though I almost died in the elevator on my way there. When I pressed the up button, the service elevator was the first to open, so I got in along with two other women. We dropped one of the women off on the 3rd floor and began our way up to the 6th floor. About 2 seconds after the doors closed, the elevator started shaking violently and moving up, up, down, up, down, up, up, down in a very life threatening manner. The other woman and I looked at each other with restrained smiles that said "Oh my god, I'm freaking out in here but I can't show it because there is a stranger standing next to me!" Needless to say, this shaky elevator behavior continued for about a full minute, which doesn't sound long, but when your picturing yourself plummeting to the ground in a giant heep of twisted metal carnage, it feels like forever. Luckily the doors all of a sudden opened, and the other lady and myself almost pushed each other over trying to get out of that horrendous elevator car. What a way to calm the nerves before an interview!


the gloria family said...

it was really icy in our parking lot. we had to walk everywhere this weekend. i'm sorry about the elevator. geez, that sounds really scary.

katandkarl said...

glad to hear the interview went well!

Chandle said...

You made me laugh so hard with the elevator thing.

Unknown said...

i had a similar experience at our condo in destin one summer (i think i was in 6th grade or so). that's why i'm not a fan of elevators...they make me so nervous!

Elizabeth Spann said...

Where's Keanu Reeves when you need him????
Glad your interview went well! I'm sure you did an awesome job!

Elizabeth Spann said...

PS- the interstate was a SOLID sheet of scary ice with a few patches of pavement. Yikes!!!

I meant to post it on this one... not the next. Whoops.