Friday, October 26, 2007

Daylight Savings Time, Where Arrrrre Yooooou?

  • I'm finding it increasingly hard to wake up in the mornings while it is still dark outside. Shouldn't we have had daylight savings time by know? I think I remember something about them making it later this year...why, I don't know. Just give me my extra hour and sunshiney mornings already!
  • Work was a zoo last night. The hospital's census is at an all time low right now (that's the current number of patients present), so that means the pharmacy bosses have issued mandatory staffing cutbacks, which is good and bad: good because I get to leave an hour early for the next couple shifts I work; bad because the pharmacy still seems to be as busy as usual even with fewer patients in the hospital so it makes for a hectic work environment when you don't have as many employees present(they're cutting back on staffing numbers to try and stay within budget--less money coming in from patients means less money needs to go out to employees). Blahh. It's annoying sometimes how everything revolves around money.
  • My classes are boring. And a waste of my time. I do not equate learning with having powerpoint slides read to me when I have copies of them that I can just read to myself at home. When do I graduate again? Wait! Don't tell me. Must. Not. Think. About. That. Right. Now.
  • Okay. Enough complaining cause in one day it's Halloween party time! I better go eat some grits and then get to work on my costume. (Yes, I eat grits. Wipe that grin off your face. I also eat lefse, smoked oysters, and pickled herring to stay true to my northern roots, so there.)


melissa said...

regarding the time change--- SERIOUSLY. let's go already. i go to work when it's dark and some days i don't leave until it's dark. y-u-c-k-o. happy one-day-til-halloween-party-time!!!

Elizabeth Spann said...

You eat grits?? ;D Cheesy or buttery ones?
I have been wondering about daylight savings time for a WHILE now.