Monday, October 22, 2007

Relaxation at the Cost of My Education.

After last week I decided that I wasn't gonna study this weekend no matter what, and I'm happy to report that I succeeded. It was very nice and relaxing not to have to pound info. into my brain and instead do all the cleaning and projects that I've been pushing to the side over the past two weeks and otherwise be lazy around the house and completely veg. The weather was gorgeous which made for two fantastic afternoons of yard work. I love the task of getting your yard all spruced up before winter rolls in. I also managed to make some progress with the H-ween costume. There's still a lot of work to go though, so I've got to buckle down this week and make it happen. Hooray for October!!

P.S. Was Grey's not fantastic this week?? "You traitorous b!tch."

P.P.S. I get to make our third soup of the season tonight: Wild rice soup. I can't wait. Last week we made white bean chicken chili and it was very good. Double hooray for Fall!

P.P.P.S. OMG!!! In one month it will be time to decorate for christmas! Right now that seems crazy to me. Maybe its due to the mild weather thus far this year. That also means the time is slowly nearing for the second annual El Fantastico Christmas Party. Oh, what an exciting time of year this is!


Elizabeth Spann said...

I am SO glad it is holiday time! Just think of the hanging out that you and I can do over Christmas break...! It's quickly approaching, Leah. We can do it.
PS, I actually cheered, out loud, when Callye said that. BOOYAKAH.

Elizabeth Spann said...

I'm telling people that if they WANT to bring something, they are more than welcome to... I'm not going to do much. Halloween is a pretty self-entertaining holiday. I'm going to make a cake because it's David H's bday, and Kelley wants to bring some spinach dip. But it's completely up to you...! I''m not going to stress about it. :D

katandkarl said...

bring on the BAAAAAAAAAd gifts! ovulation predictor kits here i come!

melissa said...

i'm glad you took a break. everyone deserves a little downtime, although mine does not usually include yard work. : ) you're an all star!