Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Grey's Anatomy Fans, Take Note...

So, you know how they've put out a "soundtrack" to the show? It actually has some really good songs on it. I'll be honest, I didn't go out and actually buy it. I downloaded the songs. It actually worked to my advantage to do it this way because there are a lot more song from the show on the internet than there are on the CD. So, if you have some spare time and file sharing software, I recommend getting these tunes. (Or you can be the responsible, copyright observing citizen and go purchase the disc.) Either way, it's good stuff.

On a side note, What's your opinion:

Should Dr. McDreamy dump his annoying wife and get back together with Meredith
Should George confess his true feelings for her (Meredith) and then they will eventually fall in love, but in the mean time cause lots of drama?

P.S. Thanks to those who left comments of support concerning my PCAT debacle...somehow I'll make it through.


Elizabeth Spann said...

Oh, Dr. McDreamy and Meredith for sure! I think George may have his day eventually, but he's just too nice for Meredith. When did Patrick whats-his-name get so hot? Sometime after "Can't Buy Me Love!"

the gloria family said...

what?!?! he was totally hot in can't buy me love. you didn't think so? i don't know if george is the best person for meredith but dr. mcdreamy really isn't either. he is kind of pissing me off. if you are going to try and get back with your wife than please stop giving meredith those looks. ugh...cheater!!!

emily and eric said...

i think mcdreamy dumps his wife and goes for mere.. but it's too late.. she doesn't want him anymore, he hurt her too much!!

Elizabeth Spann said...

She'll mess up and go back with him for a while... we always want the bad ones for a little while at least.

emily and eric said...

we can't all be hopeless romantics!!

katandkarl said...

i think he should stay with addison and meredith should go out and get wild and then settle down with nice georgie porgie!

Chandle said...

George, George, George!!!