Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Check out this e-mail that I got today:

Dear PCAT Examinee,

Due to a courier service handling error, Harcourt Assessment did not receive your scorable answer documents from the October 2005 administration. We have made every effort to recover your answer documents. In consideration of the difficulty of this unfortunate situation, we are rescheduling a makeup exam on December 3, 2005 at the University ofArkansas testing center. The makeup exam will be at no charge to you and will allow 3 additional weeks for preparation and review. We will expedite scoring so that your transcripts and personal reports are delivered quickly.

If you are not available to retest in December, we will be happyto reschedule you for our January 21, 2006 exam. The reporting location and time are listed below:

Reporting location:
Dickinson Hall, Room 100
2801 S. University Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72204

Reporting Time: 08:30:00 AM

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Rest assured that thisi s not a common occurrence and the cause of this one incident is being thoroughly investigated. Should you have any questions, please email us atScoring.Services@harcourt.com, or call us at 800-622-3231.

Post-Secondary Customer Relations
888-211-8276 fax

I'm speechless! (though I will say that several swear words are continuously running through my brain)


Elizabeth Spann said...

You have GOT to be kidding. It keeps running through my head how you were talking about how glad you are that it is OVER and that you probably won't take it again because it sucked so bad.
Maybe a Thanksgiving miracle will occur, and they will find it. Those happen, right??

Anonymous said...

That sucks so bad. I think you should get a ton of bonus points when you take it again for having to go through this ordeal!!!!

the gloria family said...

holy crap that is horrible. geez, i'm so sorry leah. i know how stressed that made you. i can't believe that happened.

Susan said...

No fair. I'm so sorry. That totally sucks. Hang on to hope though...maybe they'll find it...and maybe that courier will get fired! If you do have to take it again, maybe you should deliver it to Harcourt (or whatever it was) yourself!

katandkarl said...

no way! are you kidding me? they should seriously give you something... points or something! i like how they try to put a positive spin on it when they are delivering the WORST news EVER... "it will give you three extra weeks to prepare.. BLAH BLAH BLAH..." like that is an advantage when you freaking took a THREE hour test. i am pissed for you. what a bunch of CRAP!

Chandle said...

OH my God, Leah! That has to be the shittiest thing ever