Monday, November 21, 2005

Yea! My Thanksgiving Break has Officially Started!

Sweet! Because I don't have class on Tuesday, I get to start my break one day before everyone else at school. I love it. I have a lot in store for myself this break. I plan on reading three novels, knitting four scarves, baking four desserts for my fam's thanksgiving dinner, writing two papers, seeing the new Harry Potter film, and preparing for the PCAT (again, ARRRGH!). Whew! I better go to bed early tonight. For all of you who will be traveling, be safe. Happy Turkey Day everybody!!


Elizabeth Spann said...

Hooray! I have 8 hours until my break starts. But who's counting?? We should hang out at some point! Give me a call!

Susan said...

I'm with you Kristen. :p Why weren't we teachers?