Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Must Stress Less

I seem to be experiencing minor anxiety issues, and I don't know how to get it to stop. Yeah, school is stressful, but for me to have random bouts of twisty stomach, shallow breathing and rapid heartbeat during the day(w/o known provocation) just seems a little over the top. I'm just not the kind of person who typically freaks out/loses it, so this is way bizaare to me. It just started yesterday, so I'm hoping it is a short term thing. I'm gonna try and find ways to burn up more energy during the day and hope that that helps. Is it funny that I'm not at all interested in pursuing pharmaceutical therapy for this issue (e.g., drugs=what will one day be my job)? My current stance is that a large amount of people out there are over medicated and have been trained to look for a quick fix in the form of a pill for many of their problems. That folks, is another topic for another day, though, so let's look at some happy pictures and make the poopy feelings go away.

This picture is funny on so many levels.

I love snow!

Spring break, you can't get here soon enough.

If there were only more dogs out there like this one...


melissa said...

breathe iiiiiiiin breathe ooooooout. sorry you're stressing, but way to go on staying off the meds. you're tough, you don't need pills. : ) on the upside, look at all these updates!!! way to go!

Unknown said...

dang it! i just posted a comment and it disappeared into the wild web yonder. the gist of it was: i hope you wouldn't want mozart to eat tarzan or june bug, and i'm sending you a funny (not cute, don't worry) cat picture. i keep it on my desktop at work so i can laugh whenever i need to.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Awwwwww... cute pics. That first dog might have something wrong with it. ;)
Chin up, Leah! Love you!