Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Getting attacked by a big brown owl is never fun!

Today has not been my day. My schoolwork has given me trouble and I'm stressing about the biology section of the PCAT. Also, I've noticed lately that I am losing an inordinate amount of hair. It's getting scary. My mom thinks it might be my thyroid (those disorders run in our family). Luckily I'm eligible for coverage under my family's insurance plan since I'm taking undergrad classes (at least until I turn 25 in February), so I'm trying to make a doctors appointment for a check up.

And then...when Blue and I were out in the woods taking a hike with the dog this afternoon, we all of a sudden see this large thing move above our heads and her a loud "whoosh." We look up and there is this huge brown owl swooping toward us. Apparently we had startled it and it wanted to express to us how unhappy it was about this. Looking back on it, it was pretty neat to actually see such a large owl up close out in the wild.

On a lighter note, in going along with Brooke's fun cookie find, I've also found a new fantabulous food item at the grocery store. It is Dickinson's Country Pumpkin Butter, and boy is it good. You can find it in the jam and jelly section, and at $1.79, it' a steal. It tastes like heaven. We've been eating it on bagels and toast. It's so good that I even eat a spoonful by itself every once in a while. Everyone should try it!
Wooh! I guess I'm feeling a little long-winded this evening. If you've managed to make it all the way down here, you're a trooper!


Chandle said...

I made it, Leah!!! I'm sorry you got attacked by an owl. I also would like to plug the pumpkin butter, my grandma makes it and it kicks ass.

Elizabeth Spann said...

Mmmmmm yummy. I think that I could make an exception on my "cooked fruit" rule with that one. Besides, pumpkins are gourds (sp?) so it doesn't count. Right?
I can't believe you were attacked by an owl. Terrifying. I bet Mozart would have gone into combat mode if the owl persisted.

the gloria family said...

i'm with you elizabeth. that pumpkin butter sounds good. i don't think it counts as cooked fruit. we eat pumpkin pie. i am going to try it for sure.

Leah Billings said...

Chandle, by it I'm assuming you mean the cake?? How did it turn out?
Elizabeth, pumpkins are a type of squash and I don't know if gourds are squash as well or vice versa, but, either way, it think it bypasses your rule. :)