Thursday, September 22, 2005

What the @#$%&*!

I am so steamed people. Today is the official begininning of Fall and it is 98 degrees outside. We've set all-time record highs the past three days. Why is this warming, the new hurricane? I need my cold weather. I don't think I can make it much longer without.

I'm melting, mellllllllting!


the gloria family said...

yea for the wizard of oz reference!

emily and eric said...

that is my FAVORITE movie!!!

Chandle said...

no crap, it is toooooooo hot.

Unknown said...

i hear ya sista, even being a local, i can't put up with this crapola. my sage is taking it the worst, too, cause i keep forgetting to water. yikes! i mean, don't get me wrong, i certainly don't wish for the kind of cold you're looking for, but if it could just let up some degrees or something. sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you take the Whambulance all the way back to Minnesota?

Elizabeth Spann said...

Hotness sucks. I need jackets. I am sweating- right now. Gross.